PRCA Mobile and its members have received multiple awards at both the State and Regional level.
Sharon T. Heflin Chapter of the Year (the state’s highest honor)
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004. 2006, 2008, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2022
SPRF Chapter of Distinction (the region’s highest honor)
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018
Philip R. Forrest Practitioner of the Year (the highest award given to an individual by the state)
Jean King (1974), Philip R. Forrest, Jr. (1977), Eva Golson (1980), Shelby Sutton (1983), Bettie Hudgens (1991), Marian Faulk, APR (2022), Carol Mann, APR (2003), Suzanne Fornaro, APR (2005), Denise D’Oliverira, APR (2006), Jennifer Jenkins, APR (2010), Sharee Broussard, APR (2011), Jennifer Zoghby (2018), Ashley Horn, APR (2020)
SPRF Professional Achievement Award
Carol Mann, APR (2004), Suzanne Fornaro, APR (2006), Denise D’Oliverira, APR (2007), Jennifer Jenkins, APR (2011)
SPRF Senior Practitioners (honors members recognized as veteran pr professionals with high ethical standing)
Bettie Hudgens, Eva Golson, Shelby Sutton, Beth Stafford, Suzanne Fornaro, Carol Mann, Pat Hartman, Marian Faulk, Denise D’Oliverira, Barbara Shaw, Susan Rak Blanchard, Sharee Broussard, Kinnon Phillips, Jennifer Jenkins, Wes Phillips, Leigh Perry-Herndon, Ashley Horn, Susan Nelson Pickard, Joy Crawford-Washington, Anita Clark, Jennifer Zoghby, Ashley Babb
SPRF Young Practitioners (honors members recognized as young pr professionals with high ethical standing)
Amanda Young, APR
Southern Public Relations Hall of Fame
Phillip R. Forrest, Jr., Carol Mann, APR, Suzanne Fornaro, APR, Eva Golson, Bettie Hudgens, Pat Hartman, APR, Marian Faulk, APR, Jennifer Jenkins, APR