Become a member of PRCA Mobile. Eligible members can join during any time of the year.

Dues / Renewals:
(*Prices include a one-time $15 “new member fee”)

• Active Membership:
Full-time PR practitioners or those who have full responsibility for organizational PR activities
New Member- $120* / Annual Renewal- $105

• Associate Membership:
Persons with an interest in PR but whose duties exclude them from the direct practice of PR
New Member- $145* / Annual Renewal- $120

• Student Membership:
Full or part-time students pursuing a career in PR or communications
New Member- $25 / Annual Renewal- $25

• Sustaining Membership:
Retired PR practitioners
New Member- $25 / Annual Renewal- $25

• Charter Membership:
Bestowed to those who chartered the PRCA organization, whether at the state or chapter level
New Member- $0 / Annual Renewal- $0


Members have the option to pre-pay for luncheons during the member renewal period, which is through January 31. Dues are paid directly to the Public Relations of Council of Alabama state organization. Please contact us if you need an invoice for your membership.

Click here to complete a membership form. Click here to renew a current membership.